Game On! Let The Race Begin!

by | May 26, 2024 | Cycling, memoir, Travel Adventure, Writing Community

Six Days and Counting… I’ve been glued to the college track and field conference and regional championships for the past couple of weeks, and man, those athletes can really run! Now, it’s time to shift my focus to the Trans America Bike Race, “The premier self-supported road race across the United States”. The race kicks off on June 2nd from Astoria, Oregon.

This year, there are two destinations – some will end up in Washington D.C., while others will make the trek to Yorktown, Virginia. In 2019, 73 cyclists, including me, from 15 countries embarked on the epic journey across ten states, five mountain ranges, and covered 4,200 miles from Astoria to Yorktown.

Long-distance cycling takes you into a whole new world, far from the regular grind. I describe to others it’s like entering a parallel universe. You can follow the cyclists as they start their journey in a few days and imagine what it’s like to see America Up Close one pedal rotation at a time. Alternatively, you can catch me on August 22nd at 6:30 pm at the Williamsburg, Virginia Regional Public Library for a presentation about my cycling adventures, covering 7,300 miles across 18 states in the fall of 2018 and summer of 2019. To follow the race, click on the link below. For more details about the book talk, click the second link below:

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