Game On!  Let The Race Begin!

Game On! Let The Race Begin!

Six Days and Counting… I've been glued to the college track and field conference and regional championships for the past couple of weeks, and man, those athletes can really run! Now, it's time to shift my focus to the Trans America Bike Race, "The premier...

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Journey Through Time.  A Trip Down Memory Lane

Journey Through Time. A Trip Down Memory Lane

October 3, 1986 - Fort Polk, LA - Home of the 5th Infantry Division (Mech) Sorting through old belongings often becomes routine after settling into a new home. For reasons unknown, certain items remain packed in boxes move after move—guilty as charged. It's also an...

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Game On!  Let The Race Begin!

Adventurer. Explorer. Pathfinder. A Tiny Bit Crazy.

When I opened the August 2023 issue of Adventure Cyclist, a magazine for cycling enthusiasts published by the Adventure Cycling Association, and saw the article "Double the TransAm, Double the Fun," I was immediately drawn in. There are a lot of 'crazies' who tackle...

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A Few Of My Thoughts About Cycling

A Few Of My Thoughts About Cycling

Over the past two years, I've given many presentations about my bike rides and inevitably talked about lessons learned from the heartland.  I've been part of teams responsible for driving business results for much of my adult working life. Establishing a vision,...

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A Shout Out To Our Veterans

A Shout Out To Our Veterans The Official Flower of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States The Buddy Poppy VFW Facts & Figures Coast to Coast along the Medal of Honor Highway An Adventure, Life Lessons, & New Beginning The Buddy Poppy Have you ever...

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The ‘Wisdom’ that Leads to Jackson, Montana (pop. 38)

The ‘Wisdom’ that Leads to Jackson, Montana (pop. 38)

What can I do with hundreds of pictures, hours of video, and countless anecdotes?  I thought about it a lot. And then I did the math.  What if I write a monthly newsletter - each edition highlighting a different town? I call it America Up Close-One Small...

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America Up Close – The Year In Review

America Up Close – The Year In Review

Southern Tier and TransAm Bike Trail towns referred to in my 2022 Monthly Newsletters. I rode through Marfa on October 10, 2018: A bird's-eye view of the Capital of Quirkiness, Marfa, Texas, kicked off the 2022 edition of America Up Close - A Slice of America One...

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Throw Caution To The Wind!

Throw Caution To The Wind!

Maybe in 2023, the coin will land on the 'this is the year to write a book' side "I've thought about writing a book someday." A statement I heard a lot over the past several months when talking to folks about my cycling and writing journey. Over 80 percent of people...

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Forty to Finish Launch Day is here!

Forty to Finish Launch Day is here!

"If you dig it, do it. If you dig it a lot, do it twice." - Jim Croce. I'm thrilled to announce the launch of Forty to Finish: Cycling to Victory on the TransAmerica Bike Trail. In the fall of 2018, I set out to answer a nagging question - Am I capable of riding my...

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